The main purpose of sealing your tiles and grout is to protect them from discoloration and stains. However, accidents are bound to happen and there is no way to avoid them completely.

You can clean sealed tiled floors with a mild cleaning solution. If you find a stain on your sealed tiles or grout, rub the area using a mild bleach mixture. You should be cautious not to use anything too abrasive, strong, or stiff like a metal brush, for instance. Such material will leave scratches on the surface of your tile and grout.

beautiful stone floor

The problem with grout is that it needs to cured for at least a month before you can seal it. This is the duration during which you must be extra cautious since there will be no sealing to protect your grout against stains. If you discover a stain on your grout during this time, you should clean it up with a mild bleach mixture.

Whatever you do, don’t seal the stained grout. If you seal grout without removing the stain, it might not be possible to remove the discoloration later on.

Cleaning Sealed Porcelain and Ceramic Tiles

Make sure that you vacuum or mop your ceramic or porcelain sealed tiles every day. Although these tiles are very resilient, they can lose their luster due to a build-up of sand and grit.

Instead of using a sponge type mop, it is better to use a chamois or rag-type mop. These kinds of mops are recommended since sponge mops tend to fill up the grout lines with dirty water. Make sure that you change the water often during cleaning. You may get a dull-looking or mucky floor if you don’t change the water frequently.

Need professional help to clean sealed tile floors? Contact us today.

Cleaning Sealed Stone Tiles

When cleaning natural stones like marble, granite, or slate, you need to exercise caution since the wrong kind of cleaner can ruin their surface. Therefore, you should use cleaners specifically formulated for stone tiles.

There are different kinds of stone tiles that require different cleaning methods.

·         Slate Tile

Make use of a mild detergent that does not contain acidic ingredients like vinegar or lemon. You should dry the tiles quickly after you have cleaned them to avert water spots.

·         Marble Tile

Although marble has a stunning appearance, it requires plenty of maintenance. Do not clean marble tile with an acidic solution.

You should not apply vinegar or lemon based cleaning solutions for marble. Don’t use anything that may be abrasive, such as scouring powders and brushes with stiff bristles, as these will scratch the delicate marble surface.

·         Granite Tile

You need a neutral pH solution for cleaning granite tiles. Just like marble and slate tiles, you need a mild cleaner for granite. Harsh or acidic cleaners will create discoloration or streaks on the surface of granite tiles.

Need professional help to clean sealed tile floors?

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